Thursday, August 30, 2018

Honey bees are great they pollinate plants which makes food for us. Almond trees, apples, peaches, and apricots are my favorites. This new type of hive came into my view, and I wanted to share it with you!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Natural Cures Not Medicine: Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields

Natural Cures Not Medicine: Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields: Hungary has taken a stand against Monsanto and GMO corn by destroying around 1000 acres of  GMO corn - said Hungary deputy ...

Our Senators Johann and Fischer voted to ignore the GMO issue and have sided with Monsanto ..please research this our future and our children's future is at stake.

Monsanto outed again.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Food Storage

I wanted to talk about food storage for a moment. About 5 years ago I realized that common food storage was a good idea, in fact in some cases it is excellent. As many or some of you may know I am in the middle of a health crisis and when these over take me I am not functional on many levels and can become grouchy to the max because of it. I like being fully in control of my life and derive pleasure in making my husband a happy clam and cooking for him. I find myself digging into my food storage on several levels. I have created simple meals by combining simple ingredients found in basic food storage, bagging them together using a meal and seal, which gives me good meals from simply boiling some water and adding ingredients. There are several good books out about this that even have preprinted labels you can copy and use with the directions for making the dish and what additional they will need. So what is usually used to go camping with or a meal in a pinch has become a staple that is saving me from grumpydom! One of the books I would suggest if you are interested in this sort of thing include....Dinner is in the Kathy Clark. More on this topic later...

Monday, April 22, 2013

I hope you are paying attention to all the news, especially the news about the planet and what it is up to.

Today is five years later, there are more earthquakes and more unstable weather. We have gone into a solar minimum and frankly my dears those who are predicting a new ice age just might be right...This piece lifted from google
6 days ago - Student propaganda cruise to the Arctic to be carried by webcast ... CCG icebreakers cannot safely escort pleasure craft. Operators of pleasure craft considering a northwest passage should also consider the risk of having to winter in a safe haven in ... All the news articles say “run aground” not “stuck in ice”.

I have followed worldwide earthquakes since I read "We are the Earthquake Generation"  shortly after it was published. in the 1970's. This book is a collection of earth science and prophecy indicating we are ripe for a global pole shift and will see earthquakes that will begin the processes  Well I firmly believe we have moved from prophecy phase into the fruition phase. The premise is that we live on an orange peel surface and that when loosened by earthquakes slips free of the rest of the planet and moves north-south as needed to re-establish the pole, the heating up of the planet is being caused by the stretching of the surface and the movement of the orange peel surface, and we are in the middle of shake rattle and roll right now, there were 1400 earthquakes in the last 7 days ranging from 7.2 down to 1.0.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

I just revisited, they are keeping current, and I will check back from time to time. were you aware that our forests are dying because of toxic Aluminum in our air...what is it doing to us?

2 inch knives okay but you still have to remove your shoes????

3/7/13Okay, I understand that Homeland Security is populated with idiots but please someone tell me who thought up the 2-inch knife is okay to take on a plane but you have to remove your shoes. Last night on Fox they showed the knives that were okay, Swiss Army Knives and wine bottle opening type knives, at least the flight Attendants are up in arms! Gotta love this,  please remember we pay with our tax dollars for all this entertainment! Oh and if the knives are not enough mini bats, and 2 golf clubs are okay to bring on as well, great, so you now have a knife and a club! This lack of judgment is just one more good reason to get rid of TSA and seriously reconsider Home Land Security, put the FBI in charge and perhaps we can be safe.

8/30/18 Forget the FBI being in charge, they can't even figure out that a dossier coming from deadbeat Englishman is not valid evidence.